Water spray module

On request, our tunnel finishers can be equipped with a separate water spray module mounted in front of the first steam module.

The water spray module is a high-pressure pumping station for ultrafine nebulizing of the moistening water, for pre-treatment of the garment with water spray technology.

The microfine nebulized water get into the fibers, allowing them to swell easily and make them malleable.

The water spray module is equipped with 2 "fog" jet rows:
  • Length of "fog" area: 1.400 mm
  • Quantity of "fog" nozzles: 12

Special features of the water spray system:
  • ceramic plunger pump
  • Kevlar sealing system for lang-lasting use in the industry
  • optimized for continuously pressure control from 1 - 100%umkehrosmoseanlage
  • network pressure control with emergency shutdown after several times of water shortage
  • moistening capacity 50kg/h
  • professional reverse osmosis system (there is no water softening system necessary) incl. pressure increase pump at inlet and outlet, manometer and flow controller